
Showing posts from January, 2017

MiG-31 Interceptor Practice In 32,808 Feet Of Stratosphere

Russian Air Force MiG-31 supersonic interceptors were used in simulated air battles in the upper atmosphere over Kamchatka in Russia’s Far East, Pacific Fleet press service said Thursday. Read more “MiG-31 pilots practiced simulated aerial combat in the stratosphere, where the second crew acted as targets,” Pacific Fleet Air Force said in a statement, as cited by Interfax news agency. Read More

Historical Photographs Of Donald Trump’s Inauguration

 President Donald Trump (left) and former President Barack Obama, with their wives behind them, during the US national anthem                                                          Trump Coming See More

A U.S. Commando Died In Yeman

The U.S. military said it killed 14 militants in a raid on a powerful al Qaeda branch that has been a frequent target of U.S. drone strikes. Medics at the scene, however, said around 30 people, including 10 women and children, were killed. Two more U.S. servicemen were injured when an American military aircraft was sent to evacuate the wounded commandos but came under fire and had to be “intentionally destroyed in place,” the Pentagon said. A U.S. commando died and three others were wounded carrying out a deadly dawn raid on the al Qaeda militant group in southern Yemen on Sunday, in the first military operation authorized by President Donald Trump. Read More

Netanyahu In Hot Water Over Praise Of Trump’s Wall

When Benjamin Netanyahu sent a tweet in support of President Donald Trump’s plan for a wall along the Mexican border, the Israeli prime minister can barely have expected it would be retweeted 40,000 times and cause a backlash at home and abroad. Already under arguably the greatest pressure he has faced in his 11 years as prime minister, with police questioning him in two criminal probes into abuse of office, aligning himself with Trump may further undermine his standing. Read More

The Star Of The Sky In Syria - Russian Tu-160 Blackjack

The newest incarnation of Russia’s Tu-160 supersonic variable-sweep wing heavy strategic bomber/missile carrier, one of Moscow’s most formidable weapons, is expected to have double the functionality of its current version. A year later, Deputy Defense Minister Yuri Borisov announced the Russian Aerospace Forces will acquire around 50 upgraded Tu-160M2 planes. The M2 designation indicates that this is the latest version of Russia’s largest, heaviest and fastest bomber, which Tupolev dubbed the ‘White Swan’ and NATO knows as ‘Blackjack’. Read More

Bangladesh Took Delivery on Monday of its First Submarines

Bangladesh took delivery on Monday of its first submarines, bought from China, as it seeks to boost its naval power in the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh paid a reported $203 million for the two submarines, a deal that reflects the country’s growing economic and defence ties with Beijing. Read More

U.S. Green Card Holders Will Require Additional Screening Before They Can Return To The U.S.A

USA Green Card Holder Also Have To Go Through Extensive Screening. U.S. green card holders will require additional screening before they can return to the United States, the White House said on Saturday. Earlier, a Department of Homeland Security official said people holding green cards, making them legal permanent U.S. residents, were included in President Donald Trump’s executive action temporarily barring people from seven Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.