
Showing posts from November, 2018

Bangladesh Top 20 Company In 2018 : DSE

 Company with a high earnings per share ratio is capable of generating a significant dividend for investors.If an investor is primarily interested in a steady source of income, the EPS ratio is useful for estimating the amount of room that a company has for increasing its existing dividend amount. Read More

Dhaka Stock Exchange : Profile

Dhaka Stock Exchange(DSE) is the Principle Capital Market of Bangladesh, located in Motijheel C/A  Dhaka.Dhaka Stock Exchange Ranked 49th in the world with $39.58 Billion in Market Capitalization. China’s Shanghai Stock Exchange (SSE) and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (SZSE) is DSE’s Strategic partner and have 25 percent stake. Read More

Brexit poses ‘particular risk’ to British people in poverty: UN independent expert

The UN envoy said that policies implemented by successive governments have led to “the systematic dismantling of the social safety net (and) inflicted great misery unnecessarily, especially “on the working poor, on single mothers struggling against mighty odds, on people with disabilities who are already marginalised, and on millions of children who are locked into a cycle of poverty from which many will have great difficulty escaping.” Read More

Finland Accuses Russia of Disrupting GPS Signal During NATO War Games

efense and civil aviation chiefs in Finland and Norway warned that the GPS jamming posed a serious risk to both military and commercial aircraft using the affected airspace in the High North. – Russia’s Ambassador to Finland Pavel Kuznetsov has been summoned to a meeting on Monday with Finnish state secretary Matti Anttonen over the disruption of Finland’s global positioning system (GPS) signal during recent NATO war games. Norway’s civil aviation authorities opened an investigation into possible GPS signal-jamming in the High North at the end of October when several commercial aircraft reported loss of satellite navigation while flying over the Troms and Finnmark regions in the north of the country Read More

Every bite of burger boosts harmful greenhouse gases

According to the World Economic Forum, the beef and dairy industry is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the world’s biggest oil companies, with the combined emissions of the top meat and dairy companies exceeding those of highly industrialized nations such as Germany or the UK. Read More

Three New Judge Join Bangladesh Supream Court

On October 8, 2018, Bangladesh President Mohammad Abdul Hamid appointed three senior judges of High Court to the Applet division of Bangladesh Supreme court.  As per the constitution, the judges join the respected Applet division of the Bangladesh Supreme court on 9 October.   The oath-taking ceremony was lead by Chief Justice Syed Mahmud Hossain at the Judges’ Lounge of the Supreme Court premises. Read More

U.S.- Bangladesh Navy Commence CARAT Exercise

The U.S. and Bangladesh Navy kicked off exercise Cooperation Afloat Readiness and Training (CARAT) in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Nov. 4. Sailors and Marines across five ships including a guided missile frigate and patrol craft from the Bangladesh Navy, and a maritime patrol aircraft and dry cargo ship USNS PFC Dewayne T. Williams (T-AK-3009) from the U.S. Navy, will conduct a series of cooperative evolutions ashore and at-sea.  Joint evolutions are designed to highlight the ability for both navies to work together in ensuring maritime security, stability, and prosperity. Read More

Ebola in DR Congo Remains Dangerous, Unpredictable - UN

In an recent visit to the Border of Uganda Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) and UN Peacekeeping chief Jean-Pierre Lacroix said Ebola outbreak is still unpredictable and Since the outbreak began in August, there have been 308 cases and 191 deaths, about half of which have been in Beni, which has a population of around 800,000. Read More

7 November 2018 : The Cabinet Has Approved Draft Of The ‘Export Policy 2018-21’ Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation Act-

The cabinet has approved the draft of the ‘Export Policy 2018-21’ with a view to infusing dynamism into export operations, enhance competitiveness in trade and commerce and thus strengthen the position of Bangladesh in the competitive world. The approval was given at the cabinet meeting yesterday with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair. The cabinet also approved in principle the drafts of the Bangladesh Road Transport Corporation Act-2018 and Bangladesh Sugarcrop Research Institute Act-2018 Read More

Rohingya Repatriation

Yanghee Lee ,United Nations human rights expert has implored Bangladesh to shelve “rushed plans” to repatriate Rohingya refugees back across the border into Myanmar’s Rakhine State for fear that without safety guarantees from the Burmese Government, persecution and horrific violence could begin all over again Read More

Bangladesh Armed Forces

When British left they divided Bengal in two parts rather a United Bengal proposal made by its people and Leaders .The Pakistani to acted like Imperial British , Even greater than British oppression . They tried to change the language Bengali speak, took all of the foreign income and started to discriminate in Military Rank . Read More

Standard Chartered Bank

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Organizational Profile of Read More


According to Quran Adam or Human Being is superior or critically different than other creation of God . After the Creation of Adam God asked all angels and Jinn to Bow down on Adam . Angel asked why Adam is so much respected , Than God Asked some question to all his creation , Everybody failed to answer  Without Adam . For, No a One angel or Jinn Refused to bow down to Adam as he is an inferior creation of God . Read More

Oppressed Theory In Hijab Is a Modern Time Phenomenon.

Some arbs countries, Iran, Saudi Arabia and especially Taliban Afganistan forcefully imposed Burqa as a women national dress. What is not even Islamic law. Islam is the religion of submission not forcibly imposed law. If women choose not to wear hijab in Iran and ArbsHijab. they ware punished what have no historical relevancy and not a Law of Quran. So the blame is not to west its a blame to the Muslim. Read More

Total 24 Dev Project Approved In ECNEC

In the last month of ECNECH meeting of the ruling government, Chaired by Prime Minister sheik Hasina, The committee approved Tk 24,740 crore/ USD 2.95 Billion for 24 development project including infrastructure for Military Intelligence agency Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI). Read More